As I mentioned before several times at other places (for example here), due to my mild autism spectrum disorder I prefer to connect to the world with my texts. I just feel confortable to communicate in writing. (Sadly, still full of possibilities for some unfortunate misunderstandings.)
I also used to call myself a traditional literary person. Pethő Anita hagyományos irodalmár -as I use the phrase on my Egy olvasó naplója blog frequently. (About my Egy olvasó naplója blog a short introduction in English you can read here . )
Traditional in sense that I deliberatelly use texts in the digital world. Although the expression “traditional” can easily evoke some misleading associations about conservativism, or the hate towards (or fear of) all the big changes we’re experiencing day by day, in my use there is nothing to do with that. I enjoy living in the 21st century, even when the world sometimes seems quite apocalyptic. And I’ve always preferred digital publication than good old-fashioned printed one.
But I take it seriously presenting myself rather with written texts than with selfies or perfectly composed images about books and flowers or teacups or so on. ( I even post words on Instagram, which is clearly a place of images. But i love to do thing a bit differently than does usually the majority of people.) Yes, I use pictures on my websites for practical reasons, but they’re mostly just average stockphotos. Because as I mentioned, I prefer to express myself in writing.
I rather write a 2000-word essay about anything, than wasting time for trying to create aestatically satisfying images.
I’m a writer, not a photographer.
And I do so, even when I get standing mansplained that it would be more profitable to focusing on visual self-representation. Especially it would be such a waste not using my pretty face and other advantageous body parts. ( About how the majorty of society thinks that a young woman with pretty face and big boobs must use her body to get ridiculously small advantages in her life – a. k. a.selling out herself cheaply I wrote here)
Long story short: I communicate with texts because I want to communicate with texts.