2025 marks the 20th anniversary I started blogging. It was years before social media changed our life forever, but in the time when this new type of publication was no more just a random online activity of random nameless-fsceless internet users, but a way professionals, like journalist, writers, or even scholars could quickly and effctiively share their works or just their random thoughts, like kind of sidenotes to their more serious publications. I once had a project literally about writing one or two sentences every day that somehow reflect on the work I had done (In other words, I was microblogging way before it was cool. I’m just moking myself, don’t take me seriously. At least, not now, in this moment.)
Because I created and shared online content about my professional life for several years before, social media seemed to me just a new kind of tool to promote my stuff written elsewhere.
Just think about it! Even before the era of digital culture, writers, journalists, etc, created and shared content, made their thought public. That what is the phrase publication is after all.
Therefore social media has been always part of my professional life.
A marketing tool, nothing else. Most importantly, not private matter.
And it was quite effective at the beginning. It was quite easy to reach people and make them click on the links (leading to my publications, not just my blogging stuffs but articles written as frelance cultural journalist and literary critic for several cultura? magazines) I shared.
Then from time to time I tried to create some kind of additional content on social media, not just sharing a link, but creating context around it.
But this was never my real enviroment.
And now, in the era of rage baiting marketing, and automatically created content, and in these totally messed up mental state of the entire world, it’s really not the time for quality content on social media. It’s not a time even for sharing some random thoughts because you are instantly misinterpreted and attacked. In my life contextualizing myself is a very important driving force. Nowadays anything I put on social media it goes into a different context than my original intention.
Also, we have the problem of the AI and the fact, that it can create hundreds of long-long articles within a few minutes.
What is the place of a real human content creator in this brave new world?
Self-contextuslization might be the keyword in this case too. Creating additional background content helps seeing a website as a whole instead of collections of sing!e posts. For example blogging as what blogging oiginally means (web+long) creating an addition journal, a diary for the main topics to be shared.
For example, I now feel pretty sure about that 2025 will be my last season I write about road cycling. It might be a good idea to logging (missing the b at the begining of the world was intentional) what day by day I do with that project. Not preparing, not planning what I might to write, just letting out the first thought, my concens, heng annoyed, seeing how my ideas work or dont, because that would create such a human experience no AI can doo (at least not yet).
Which means it looks like it’s time to turn back to a more classical way of content creating.
You might find this type of content more, here on the main anitapetho.com website and also in the My 21