So, the dilemma is still the same I mentioned in the previous post. While collecting new followers on a new social media platform with my road cycling history project, I want to make clear since the beginning that my primarly topics are fictional storytelling, cultural history, history, art, creative industry, etc. I don’t want to get followed by people only want to see the same dozen of pictures Eddy Merckx, never engaging, let alone gives no response to my activities when I share something deeper and complicated than a simple picture of a cyclist.
But unfortunatelly, I have to admit, I’m not prepared yet to share quality content in English about my favourite topics. (Of course, I have my Hungarian projects like Egy olvasó naplója or Az én 18. századom, with long-long post with original quality content.) And I don’t want to make wrong decisions hastily.
But I still need something. First I thought it would be OK to share kind of “quick reviews” type of posts on My 21st century,with 300-350 only, but my vanity, the fact, that I want to write evn these short posts about my main topic as best as possible prevented me from makijg this mistake.
Then the best, at least for a short time, solution came to my mind. There are on this day and quote of the day posts on the Trapped in the 18th century, that would be enough for the beginning to signal, what kind of content creator I am.
That my intellectual life is set in the past on an unusual level and way
(Especially for average Americans whose world are very far from the life of a Central-European Bildungsbürger/in.)
Anyway, because I have still very few follower, there is enough to signal that my social media platforms would be predominantly about “high cultural” content (I can’t believe I just used this phrase), and not at all about my personal egsistence. (Eating dressig uo, commuting, etc.)