Anita Pethő

official website

Now I’m facing a new dilemma

Well, actually it’s an old one. The oldest one since I started my PelotonTales project.

Among the new social media platforms Bluesky seems to be the most useful. At least, yesterday I had a decent day there with few shares, a comment, and a new follower. It seems worth being more active there than on any other platform. Important detail, that I have no specific project for road cycling there, everything goes under my own name.

And that’d the core of the dilemma.

Years ago I made a mistake creating me, as the author of PelotonTales, remaining in the background and and pushing only the content (hecause that’s what really matters) on social media. Vintage road cycling images and the 300-4000 words long posts what are those pictures about , what is worth knowing about the cyclists on the pictures,etc.

But for me, writing about road cycling is also to emphize my uniqe perspective. I’m a literary critic, I’m working with different form of storytelling, and road cycling is exciting from this unique aspect.

Unfortunately, every time I tried to bring this aspect of blogging about road cycling forward, I get no reaction. Which is worse than getting unfollowed.

So, I guess it was too late to introduce the true essence of my road cycling project.

But now here is a new beginning (and that the beauty of the world of digital content creating, there is always a new beginning, becsause everything is always changing), and now I’d like to make clear from the beginning that there is a bigger picture here, I have a much bigger project, and writing about road cycling is just a tiny (but pivotal) part of it.

Now the dilemma I’m facing is that I’m still not very well prepared to share frequently content (in English) about topics that are absolutely my vanity projects. (Writing about history and historical fiction.) I say vanity projects, because unlike the short posts describing vintage road cycling stories, those project are about to show what I’m really good in (historical fiction), and I’m crafting those texts very carefully. I don’t want to be hasty and superficial.

So, here I am, today morning.

Let’s see what thid day would bring?

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